In addition to yacht interiors, Struik Interiors has a specialised branch focusing on luxury home and residential projects. Our dedication to perfection is unmatched, and we bring our skills and craftsmanship to the demanding high-end land project market. We are particularly excited when yacht owners dream of having a land-based interior that matches the quality of their yacht.

The main difference between land-based projects and yachting is the absence of technical equipment required on yachts, such as hydraulics and complicated cabling systems, to keep the yacht moving. As a result, the tolerances in houses are less critical than in the yachting industry.

Working with Struik Interiors is an unforgettable journey toward achieving the perfect interior. We take our clients on a journey of interior building, inspiring them with the possibilities of the materials they have chosen for their projects. We show them the effects that can be achieved with book-matching veneers or marbles, giving them maximum insight into what their project will look like. Through this journey, we help our clients understand the product and how we can add value to the interior with the precious materials we use.

Working with
Struik Interiors is an
incredible journey

Compositie Residence kleur

Our clients choose Struik Interiors for their homes because they are amazed by the building process and the devotion to quality. This enables our clients to enjoy a yachting quality in their other properties, as we create the same unique atmosphere of living in perfection. While many companies can create luxury interiors, making the building process an incredibly gratifying experience with an outstanding result is a rare talent.

Over the past 55 years, Struik Interiors has successfully delivered many residential projects to fully satisfied clients. Every project is unique and requires a specialist approach. We continue to innovate on every new project to delight our clients.